Type of Meeting: Board of Directors Meeting
Location: Connect Community Management
201 S. Lakeline Blvd. Suite 502
Cedar Park, Texas 78613
Invitees: Board of Directors and Residents
I. Confirm quorum and call to order
II. Review and approve minutes from January 2017 Meeting
III. Homeowners Questions/Comments
IV. Committee Reports
V. Financials Presentation
VI. Old Business
VII. New business
a. Discuss new website maintenance company
VIII. Executive Session (Homeowner in Attendance must exist at this time)
a) Delinquency Review
b) Review of Deed Restriction Report
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Author: admin
Board Meeting Notice and Agenda 10/20 cancelled; Next November 17th
Ranch at Cypress Creek Association, Inc.
Board Meeting Notice and Agenda
6:30 p.m.
Type of Meeting: Board of Directors Meeting
Location: 1850 Round Rock Ave., Suite 400
Round Rock, Texas 78681
Invitees: Board of Directors and Residents
I. Confirm quorum and call to order
II. Review and approve minutes from September 2016 Meeting
III. Homeowners Questions/Comments
IV. Committee Reports
V. Financials Presentation
VI. Old Business
VII. New business
VIII. Executive Session (Homeowner in Attendance must exist at this time)
a) Delinquency Review
b) Review of Deed Restriction Report
Ranch at Cypress Creek Fall Fling
Fall is officially here and as we notice the leaves falling and cooler weather approaching it is time for the community Fall Fling. The association wants to invite everyone to the park on Rachel Ridge Saturday October 15th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the Ranch at Cypress Creek Fall Fling event. There will be food and fun for all. Food will served beginning around noon. We hope to see everyone there.
Board Meeting Notice and Agenda 8/25 6:30 PM
Location: 1850 Round Rock Ave., Suite 400
Round Rock, Texas 78681
Invitees: Board of Directors and Residents
Yard of the Month – 2207 Flaming Tree
Neat Website Maps Out Crime
The Ranch at Cypress Creek is a pretty quiet neighborhood, but it’s always good to stay informed about what’s going on in the area. You can sign up for this free service and on a daily basis they will send you an e-mail showing you the crimes within 5 miles of your zip code.
Click on sign up and fill out the form to start receiving your free crime reports.