Ranch at Cypress Creek Association, Inc.
Board Meeting Notice and Agenda
September 24, 2020
6:30 p.m.
Type of Meeting: Board of Directors Meeting
Location: Zoom Virtual Conference Call
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Meeting ID: 980 0308 5921
Passcode: 981006
Dial by your location
1 346 248 7799 US
Meeting ID: 980 0308 5921
Passcode: 981006
Invitees: Board of Directors and Residents
I. Confirm quorum and call to order
II. Review minutes from prior meeting
III. Homeowners Questions/Comments
IV. Committee Reports
V. Financials Presentation
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
VIII. Executive Session (Homeowners must exit at this time)
a. Delinquency Report
b. Review of Deed Restriction Report